Discover the relation your brain has to nutrition

Discover the relation your brain has to nutrition !!

The benefits of a balanced diet are recognized towards overweight and obesity, cardiovascular and metabolic diseases … We talk a lot less than its effects on the brain. However, diet plays a role in promoting brain performance, improving mood and sleep, and probably also preventing cognitive (memory, the phenomena of attention, concentration) decline associated with age.

What is the relationship between diet and the brain?

« Just as the heart and other organs, the brain depends on the diet. Depending on the products it receives, it “vibrates” more or less. The brain needs energy, glucose, and oxygen. It also needs protein—elements found in the diet. The brain, however, has two characteristics. First, it takes time to develop. It is up to the age of 15. It is then time victim from 50 years. These two periods are, therefore, critical. The big question is whether nutrition may play a role in both periods of life. The second specificity is that this body is more vulnerable than an organ such as the heart,» to Professor Hervé Allain, a neuropharmacologist at the University of Rennes.
How to feed your brain To function correctly, the brain needs nutrients and micronutrients from a varied diet. In addition, it must deliver energy in real-time: a quarter of our daily consumption of carbohydrates is vested in the brain. Hypoglycemia may reduce cognitive performance. When using its brain doing arduous tasks and intense, it uses more glucose. Carbohydrates could also dampen stress sensitivity…


The brain is an organ richest in lipids. Provided by the diet, essential fatty acids play an important role in its early life development and maintenance after that. Saturated fats are necessary for maintaining the structure of brain membranes. In the brain, cholesterol must be present in optimum quantity. Here as elsewhere, only the excess of “saturated” versus “unsaturated” may be detrimental.


Iron plays an early age a key role in brain function. Magnesium serves to maintain neurons and in the manufacture of energy. B vitamins, especially B6 and B9, are also beneficial. In addition, certain micronutrients protect the brain from oxidative stress.

Is the time of day you consume various nutrients essential?!!

Several studies have shown that the answer is yes!!

Not having breakfast is not a food idea.

It may reduce alertness and mental performance, while a breakfast rich in protein and carbohydrates improves fatigue and mood.

Lunch “find the good balance.”

Protein and green leafy vegetables increase alertness and limit the tendency to doze in the early afternoon (like caffeine). Compared to proteins, meals that are, on the other hand, meals too rich in carbohydrates (rice, pasta, potatoes, bread) may have the opposite effect.


Starches and legumes can take up more space than proteins. It instead seeks relaxation! Traditionally, it is advised to have a relatively light dinner and avoid stimulants such as coffee or alcohol …

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