Victoria Beckham The New Mum with the perfect shape – Wonder how She does it?

Having a new baby doesn’t just affect your life; it also changes your body. So how do celebrity mums like Victoria emerge from the hospital looking like they were never even pregnant? After giving birth to Baby Harper: “The most beautiful baby girl I have ever seen,” as her mummy said, Victoria made sure to remain faithful to her image “all stunning and glowing” for the upcoming New York Fashion Week event just three months after her daughter’s birth.

So what’s “Posh” Victoria Beckham diet Secret?

The super mum didn’t laze around; she worked at it. She was eating super healthy and working out seven days a week. Not easy, hein?!!! Victoria Beckham’s latest diet, which is much talked about, is the 5 Hands Diet. It is a novel idea wherein she eats five meals daily, but they are just five handfuls.

The size of her meal is what fits into that palm of your hand. But the secret doesn’t entirely lie in the diet; according to Victoria, the way of clothing makes a big difference.

The slimming nature of her clothing and her clothing designs help elongate her frame with the help of figure-hugging materials and flattering cuts.

Mom, fashion designer, working out, wife? She definitely fits with the character of Sarah Jessica Parker in the movie “I don’t know how she does it?”

Like all superstar couples, having a crazy schedule is a routine. But the family, however, manages to find some time to spend together as a big, happy, typical family. And Victoria reveals that, no matter how busy their work time gets, they all climb into bed together at the end of the day. Isn’t it adorable?!! Victoria explains how it is having a newborn and trying to be a working mom.

According to US Weekly, Victoria Beckham explains: “I’m not getting much sleep. Harper’s not sleeping that great, and I’ve been taking Skype business calls throughout the night, too, because of the collections. I’m up with the baby, as all mums are, and I wouldn’t have it any other way. There’s not a team of people doing it for me.” Victoria even shows her latest “cooking skills,” tweeting photos of her and her family’s chocolate figurines. Uploading an image on her Twitter page of a selection of chocolate figurines, she wrote:

‘Fun, good Friday is making chocolate!! Happy Easter, fashion bunnies.’ She also tweeted another photo of yellow chocolate chicks, which she explained had been made by David for their daughter Harper. Victoria Beckham wrote: ‘Daddy made chocolate chicks for Harper! X vb.’

See!! Victoria Beckham appears like every working mum struggling: “Working, mothering, working out, and even cooking”!! So maybe you should follow her example.


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