The electronic cigarette would be a serious risk with the discovery of new carcinogens

The electronic cigarette would be a serious risk with the discovery of new carcinogens

Opponents of electronic cigarettes point to their dangerousness. However, a new study reveals the discovery of other carcinogenic substances.

Between supporters and opponents, the debate around electronic cigarettes is raging. While the first emphasizes that it is a way to stop smoking, the others denounce its dangerousness. A new study reveals that the danger of the e-cigarette would be great with the discovery of new carcinogens.

In the journal Oral Oncology, a team of American oncologists published the results of its study. They have observed changes in human cells exposed to electronic cigarette vapors. “It may be that we have identified other carcinogenic components that had never been revealed,” explain the scientists, referring to damage to the cells of the mouth and lungs.

The study reveals that the DNA of the cells is affected, a process that can cause necrosis or destruction of the cells. The important thing about this study is that it reveals that the danger is not only in the nicotine but also in the other components of e-cigarettes.

In the study’s conclusion, Dr. Jessica Wang-Rodriquez questioned the lack of harm claimed by sellers of electronic cigarettes. However, such a conclusion will not calm the debate between supporters and opponents of e-cigarettes.

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